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What to do in your Garden During August

What to do in your Garden in August

As all you keen gardeners know, there is always something to do in the garden at all times of year! Prioritising what needs doing month on month can help manage your workload; we put together a list of what can be done in August at home, at the allotment and in the greenhouse (We have even a few things you can do from your favourite chair!)

To do this, we have enlisted the help of our very secret gardener. He could be your neighbour, the nearby allotment keeper; you may have wandered around his garden during open garden season or simply passed him in the street!

The most important thing to do in the month of August is to enjoy your garden, August is the month where all your days of hard work finally reveal themselves in the form of beautiful flowers, strong scents and plenty of ripe fruit and vegetables. There are however a number of things you can still do to keep your garden looking pristine throughout this period of admiration!


Lawn & Garden Care

  • August is a good time to feed your lawn, this will help toughen the lawn against the impending autumnal and winter weather
  • Avoid using lawn weed killer, hold out till autumn, when the weed killer will become much more effective
  • If your lawn has grown rapidly, cut it with your mower blades on their highest setting, progressively lower the blades until they are at the usual level
  • Keep relatively young lawns well watered and fed in this period
  • Do not feed your lawns in this period, this can encourage rapid growth which can be damaged when the colder weather starts
  • Liquid feed your tubs and plants
  • Deadhead dying flowers to encourage new growth
  • Give your hedges their final trim of the year
  • Start collecting some seeds from your flowers
  • As ever, keep on top of any weeds forming

Garden 2

Fruit & Vegetable Care

August should be your harvest month, so keep picking! Your fresh Fruit & Veg should be in abundance by now!

  • Keep weeding and watering, weeds are not only an eyesore, they drain resources away from your plants (Which need them most)
  • If you have excess of any Fruit & Veg, give them to your friends and family, alternatively you can freeze them if you have space!
  • Plant quick growing crops, like Rocket, Lettuce and Radish, Turnips and also Fennel
  • Keep on your guard against carrot fly
  • Keep an eye out for tomato or potato blight
  • Cut back herbs to encourage new growth


Wildlife & Bird Care

  • As always, keep your Birdbaths and birdfeeders topped up with water
  • Keep an eye out for frogs and toads when working in the garden
  • Begin your hedgehog hibernation area
  • Use animal friendly slug pellets

From your favourite chair

  • Draw a sketch of how you want your garden to look next year
  • Plan your plant purchases
  • Think about your bulbs for spring
  • Ask yourself what you can do to improve your garden

Tune in next month for the ‘Secret Gardeners’ September advice! Happy Gardening!

Published August 21st, 2013 by Jordan. Article ref 679


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