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Gardener’s Diary – Top Tips for April 2019

Enjoy our monthly Gardener’s diary for some fantastic tips on how to keep your garden going through all of the seasons.

Although it’s lovely and sunny now, get ready for April showers now spring has sprung! Here’s some tips on what’s best for your garden now that winter is over (fingers crossed)… 

Sow or repair lawns

As temperatures increase and the days become longer, it’s the perfect time to sow grass seed and rejuvenate your lawn. Before sowing any new seed or laying turf, try using ‘Viano recovery treatment’ which we sell in store, 7 days prior to repairing your lawn. TOP TIP – After 2 months, re-apply the treatment to encourage even stronger and healthier roots.


Most houseplants thrive in warm rooms and even temperatures all year round. Tropical plants for example Peace Lily’s require a humid temperature. TOP TIP – usually the best place for these is in the bathroom where there’s moisture in the air. Now is also the time to give your plants a drop of liquid feed. But avoid over watering! Let the compost dry a little before adding more water.

Get sowing!

As long as the soil is warm and damp, you can begin to sow your seeds and they will germinate quickly. If you can cover your crop with fleece or cloches between April and June, this will provide protection from any late frosts between the Spring months. Always refer to the seed packet for the best time to sow as it varies with each plant type

Keep up with weeding

Weeds come back into growth during the Spring so it’s best to deal with them quickly before they get out of hand. All weeds can be controlled without weed killers, but persistent or deep rooted weeds may be difficult to get rid of so ongoing control is likely to be necessary.  It is a good idea to put weed barriers in place in late winter or early spring, as they work well as a preventative.


There are lots of hungry herons around this time of year so you should use a net to protect your pond. Feed your fish using a low temperature Wheatgerm for easy digestion.




Published April 1st, 2019 by Grace Brown. Article ref 5110

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