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10 Of The Best Plants For Hanging Baskets


You could have a vibrant display in your garden this summer by using hanging baskets and unless you have them professionally made up, the cost is relatively small. For real impact, do as the experts do and colour co-ordinate your baskets.

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How To Make A Hanging Basket

hanging basket

Gardeners who are lucky enough to have a heated greenhouse or conservatory are able to start preparing their hanging baskets in early spring for a glorious summer display. Plants used for this purpose include annuals, both hardy and half hardy, begonias, fuchsias and pelagoniums.

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Top Tomatoes To Grow


One of the most popular crops to grow in the UK is the tomato and once you have tasted one straight from the vine, instead of from the fridge, you will never go back to shop bought tomatoes again. The flavour is divine, almost like eating sunshine!

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7 Flowers To Encourage Birds Into Your Garden

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This time of year sees us delving into seed catalogues and searching online trying to decide the variety of flowers we will be planting in our gardens

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December Jobs For The Garden


Fortunately there is not a lot to do in the garden in December; it’s a time for planning, perusing catalogues and searching online.

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Raphael’s Wood Fired Pizza – Coming To Birstall Fri Dec 5th. 5~8pm

We are delighted to welcome Jenny & Thibaut of Raphael’s Wood Fired Pizza to Birstall Garden Centre, on Friday evening Dec 5th They will be here cooking gorgeous fresh wood fired Pizza between 5 & 8pm.

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40th National Tree week


In 1975, the Prime Minister of the day, Harold Wilson, planted a Holm oak tree at Chequers and Margaret Thatcher, the then Leader of the Opposition chose to plant a Lime tree in NW6. This was the birth of National Tree week

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Food for Free from our Hedgerows

blackberry jam

In times gone by, when country householders almost always grew their own food, hedgerows were really an extension of their garden giving them an abundance of berries, fruits and nuts for the kitchen.

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Love Tillys Air Plants

Love Tillys Air Plants – No pots or soil required and make a great gift / craft idea.

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How To Make Compost

image of compost bin

Not only is it free, and easy to make – home made compost is one of the best soil conditioners you can use in the garden. Read our blog to see how you can make your own compost

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