Bradgate Charnwood BBQ Charcoal – SOLD HERE

Bradgate Park have recently purchased a charcoal kiln, they are now able to convert much of the by-product timber from the parks into barbecue charcoal.
How to keep your garden pond clean

A garden pond adds dimension, showcases trees, plants, and flowers – our homes – and is a design feature that attracts wild and marine life. A garden pond is beneficial to the environment as well as pleasing to the eye.
August jobs for the garden

August can be a warm month and a month to sit and enjoy the garden, a time to reap the rewards of your past labour, love, and attention. And while you sit in these pleasant surroundings, now is the perfect time to browse through all those bulb catalogues that keep popping through the letterbox.
How to grow strawberries

Here we take a look at the steps to follow to grow your own strawberries – so you can compare with shop bought, and taste just how good home grown fruit can be!
Growing Biennials – well worth the wait

If you want loads of colour in the garden, biennials are the plants to grow. They can not only be grown in the border but in pots, hanging baskets and containers where they provide the longest, brightest display giving any other types a run for their money.
How to grow beetroot

Beetroot is so easy to grow that it is perfect for anyone to try who is new to vegetable growing. Forget about the tennis ball size beetroot you see in supermarkets because home grown, harvested at golf ball size, has a completely different taste and texture.
How to grow Cucumbers

Sweet, succulent, home-grown cucumbers are definitely one of the vegetables that taste completely different from those bought at supermarkets. Not only do they taste good when freshly picked but contain many nutrients beneficial to health.
How to grow lupins

Now that the Chelsea Flower Show has come to a close it has inspired a lot of us gardeners to try something different in the garden. We had really good television coverage and no doubt we all had our favourite plants. However an old fashioned flower that received quite a lot of screen time was the lupin.
How To Grow Asparagus

Asparagus is a delicious gourmet vegetable loved by many and surprisingly it is not difficult to grow. Supermarket spears are quite expensive but once an asparagus bed is established in your garden, it can produce many succulent spears year after year with not a great deal of upkeep.
How To Grow Runner Beans

Would you like to grow a vegetable that will be enough for a family for eight weeks and still have lots left for freezing? Choose runner beans. They are most prolific and once started, they crop continually to the end of the season; the more you pick, the more they grow.