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Gardener’s Diary

How to grow Cucumbers

Sweet, succulent, home-grown cucumbers are definitely one of the vegetables that taste completely different from those bought at supermarkets. Not only do they taste good when freshly picked but contain many nutrients beneficial to health.

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Grow drought resistant flowers this summer: help save money, time and the environment


It may not have felt like it in May just gone by but our summers are getting hotter and gardeners spend a good deal of time watering these days. Apart from the physicality of the job and the length of time it takes to carry out, we should always be aware of how precious our water supply is. Amazingly, an average ⅝” hosepipe will deliver 17 gallons of water per minute and the slightly larger ¾” diameter hosepipe 23 gallons. Multiply that by just how long it takes to complete the task and the amount of water used will stagger you.

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How To Grow Mushrooms


The humble little mushroom is one of the healthier foods available. They are high in fibre and protein, low in calories and have many essential vitamins and minerals. And, apart from all that, they have a delicious taste all of their own. Mushrooms absorb chemicals from where they are grown so cultivating your own makes a lot of sense; at least you know exactly what they have been exposed to. Don’t eat them raw and don’t cook them in unhealthy oils otherwise the nutritional benefits will all be lost.

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How To Grow Potatoes In Containers

potatoe bag

Those of us with limited space in the garden, or no garden at all, can easily grow vegetables on the patio. Potatoes are easy to grow and you can produce a good crop for very little cost. All you need is a flat surface in a sunny spot. Any container that is large enough to hold at least 8 litres of compost will suffice.

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How To Grow Chillies

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Whether you like your chillies just slightly warm or scorching hot, there is sure to be a variety just right for you. One or two plants should keep a family going all year as they are usually heavy croppers and fairly easy to cultivate.

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How To Take Cuttings


There are different types of cuttings and different times of the year when they can be taken. Here we will look at cuttings that can be taken from spring to early summer, known as soft wood cuttings.

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How To Grow: Tomatoes


Tomatoes are an easy vegetable to grow for the new gardener and perfect for a child’s project. As there are so many varieties readily available, there is bound to be something just right for your space.

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How to grow: Sweet Peas

sweet peas

Almost everyone would recognise a sweet pea and along with the rose they are one of the nation’s favourite flowers. They are the quintessential cottage garden flower, renowned for glorious colour, fragrant perfume, and the ability to produce vase after vase of blooms throughout the summer months.

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Why Have My Seeds Failed To Germinate?


For any gardener, whether experienced or just starting, the sight of the first leaves appearing after having sown the seed is a magical moment. However, we have all had our share of failures and face the same challenge each year

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Seven Of The Most Popular Gardens To Visit In Britain

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You could spend years travelling Britain visiting wonderful gardens, and still not see all the many magnificent examples there are on offer; but one must start somewhere. The list of great gardens to visit could easily include hundreds and still not be complete; but here we will look at just seven of the best, the most popular.

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